In Hospice, Our Team

A Chaplain in hospice care serves as a spiritual caregiver for patients, families, and staff members. Their role is to provide emotional and spiritual counsel to those who are confronting life-limiting illness.

Chaplains in hospice care are skilled in providing spiritual counseling to people of varied spiritual traditions or who are not religious. They may also provide religious or spiritual services, such as prayer, sacraments, or rituals, if requested.

Chaplains assist patients and their families with end-of-life decision-making, including discussions about advanced directives, resuscitation orders, and funeral arrangements. They coordinate care with other members of the hospice team to address the emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their families.

Overall, the role of a Chaplain in hospice is to provide compassionate care to individuals facing the life-limiting illness, helping them to find comfort, peace, and meaning.

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